The (EPQ) Eysenck personality questionnaire, aka PEN, which stands for Psychoticism, Extraversion, and Neuroticism, the fourth Eysenck test published in 1968, was the result of further research by Hans and Sibylla Eysenck. The third factor named "psychotism" was added to the two-dimensional structure of previous questionnaires, which did not change the original biaxial concept. This factor is not bipolar; its high values may indicate social adaptation problems. However, there was no clear justification for the appropriateness of distinguishing this category, and the results of the calculations were disputed by many researchers.
Especially criticized were the P-scale questions, in response to which the Eysenck couple conducted their own research summarized in an article [1] appeared in 1985 that described the final EPQ-R(evised) test and its abridged version as well. The final EPQ-R variant contains more than ten new questions related to the P scale.
As far as we know, the EPQ-R questionnaire was not published in Russian yet, and Russian-speaking visitors may now benefit from the author's translated and adapted version in their native language. In addition to determining the basic temperaments according to Eysenck, based on the current quadrant of the plane of the extraversion and neuroticism axes (Phlegmatic, Melancholic, Sanguine, Choleric), the below test also classifies types by Sukhodolsky, i.e., the Normal temperament located in the center, surrounded by eight "accentuated" varieties, which, in principle, matches the next “floor” for diagnosing of the Personality stucture — temper accentuations of the Leonhard-Schmieshek test.
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© 2020 Dmitry Makarenkov, www.dmpsy.clubPlease answer each question by selecting the Yes or No radio button following the question. There are no right or wrong answers, and no trick questions. Work quickly and do not think too long about the exact meaning of the questions.
Please kindly remember to answer ALL questions and correctly specify your gender, age, and education as we need these data for scientific statistics resarch.
Gender | Age | Education |
(P) Psychoticism: | (0-32) |
(E) Introversion vs. Extraversion: | (0-23) |
(N) Neuroticism: | (0-24) | (L) Sincerity vs. Lies: | (acceptable: <=10) |
Your basic temperament: |
Your temperament (as per Sukhodolsky): |
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